Room RLG208, Forum Theatre
Research Complex, HKSYU
October 25, 2019

About the Conference

Evidence-based practice (EBP) in education enriches the researches on teaching and learning and engages the evolution of pedagogy. While HKSYU has already equipped and platformed to foster EBP inside and out of the university since 2016, the conference aims to offer international educators, professional practitioners and students a variety of options for enhancing their knowledge and experience in EBP processes and research. Under the open discussion from various disciplines, the conference encourages the innovative teaching practices, strives for the improvement in student learning experience and build network to shape the future development of EBP in education in Hong Kong.

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Janet Clinton
Director of Centre for Program Evaluation
Melbourne Graduate School of Education
The University of Melbourne

Keynote Speech (I)
Oct 25, 2019 (Friday)

Conference Workshop
Oct 26, 2019 (Saturday)

Prof. Toru Iiyoshi
Deputy Vice President for Education &
Director & Professor of Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher Education
Kyoto University

Keynote Speech (III)
Oct 25, 2019 (Friday)

Conference Workshop (III)
Oct 24, 2019 (Thursday)

Prof. Thomas F. Luschei
Professor of School of Educational Studies
Claremont Graduate University
California, United States

Keynote Speech (II)
Oct 25, 2019 (Friday)

Conference Workshop (I)
Oct 23, 2019 (Wednesday)

Dr. Der-Thanq Victor Chen
Associate Professor & Acting Head of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning
National Institute of Education
Nanyang Technological University

Keynote Speech (IV)
Oct 25, 2019 (Friday)
*As Dr Chen could not come to the Conference physically, his keynote will be conducted by live webcast

Conference Workshop (II)
Oct 24, 2019 (Thursday)

*This workshop is cancelled

Keynote Speech (I)
Date: Oct 25, 2019 (Friday)
Time: 9:30am-10:30am
Topic:  Promoting Evidence Informed Practice at a System Level
Speaker: Prof. Janet Clinton

Enhancing understanding and the use of evidence has long been promoted as the key to improving long-term societal outcomes in education and other sectors. It will be argued that research and evidence are critical to the enhancement of our education system and systems more generally, but most importantly, it is engagement within and across sectors that will influence this endeavour. This presentation provides an “Evidence into Action Model” for supporting evidence-use.  It will build up a synthesis of evidence on promoting evidence uptake in practice from peer-reviewed research, grey and policy literature conducted in education, health promotion, public health, mental health and tourism. The review demonstrates that evidence-informed practices needs to be principle-based and importantly any system advocating evidence base practice must engage in the promotion of: Generating evidence, synthesising evidence, knowledge management and maximising the utilisation of knowledge in practice. It is argued that the likelihood of evidence-informed practice will be enhanced if all four of these functions are conducted, and activities, infrastructures as well as platforms are utilised to maximise dissemination to all beneficiaries (Clinton, Aston & Quach, 2018).


Conference Workshop (III)
Date: Oct 26, 2019 (Saturday)
Time: 10:00am-11:30am

Building and Promoting Evidence Practice through the Use of a Program Logic

Speaker: Prof. Janet Clinton
Ms. Tania Blatti (Melbourne Graduate School of Education, The University of Melbourne, Australia)
Summary:   This interactive workshop will explore in detail the notion of evidence, and what it means to integrate within practice. Utilising the “Evidence into Action Model”, participants in the workshop will examine the four key functions that constitute the Evidence into Action Model.  These functions are: (1) Generate and source: The creation, identification and collation of evidence in an area or theme within the key research areas (policy, theory, practice implementation and scale); (2) Synthesis: combining various components or elements of the research to form a connected whole. The synthesis process requires a systematic approach to combining facts with criteria and standards to enable an evaluative judgement to be made about the topic under investigation; (3) Utilisation: The process of maximising the use of evidence to inform practice; and (4) Knowledge management: process of collating, translating and effectively distributing the synthesised research evidence. Finally, the workshop will demonstrate the use of program logic as a means of practically engaging practitioners in evidence informed practice. The workshop is relevant to practitioners, researchers and policy makers


Register the workshop here.


Prof. Janet Clinton
Director of Centre for Program Evaluation 
Melbourne Graduate School of Education
The University of Melbourne

Professor Janet Clinton is Director of the Centre for Program Evaluation and Director of the International Teacher Education Effectiveness Research Hub, at the University of Melbourne. She has wide national and international experience as an evaluator and educator, and has an extensive publication record. Janet currently the leads a number of interdisciplinary projects including the Visible Classroom initiative, the Teacher Capability Assessment Tool and the Assessment for Graduate Teaching projects. Overall, she has led over 120 national and international evaluation and research projects.

Keynote Speech (III)
Date: Oct 25, 2019 (Friday)
Time: 12:00nn-1:00pm
Topic:  Inventing the Future of Education Towards More Personalized and Evidence-Based Learning and Teaching
Speaker: Prof. Toru Iiyoshi
Summary:   Over the last two decades, the emerging Internet-enabled open education movement has been transforming the landscape of higher education both globally and locally. By making educational tools, resources, and knowledge freely and openly accessible to everybody around the world, the movement is beginning to radically change the cultures, values, systems, ecology, and economics of higher education and other education systems. In short, open education is enabling all of us to learn anything, anytime, anywhere. In addition to the ongoing open innovation movement, the emergence of AI applications in education, especially our rapidly increasing ability to analyze and utilize “big data,” provides us with enormous possibilities to better support more personalized and evidence-based lifelong learning harnessing both campus-based and online educational learning resources and environments. Furthermore, some evolving pedagogical approaches such as gamification, project-based learning, and educational use of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are helping promote and accelerate the acquisition of critical skill and knowledge both for individual and social needs. This keynote talk explores the future of education and how we personally and collectively learn in innovative and effective ways.


Conference Workshop (II)
Date: Oct 24, 2019 (Thursday)
Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm
Topic:  Making Learning and Teaching More Engaging, Effective, and Meaningful with Educational Innovation
Speaker: Prof. Toru Iiyoshi

As we use more new educational tools, resources, and methods to improve teaching and learning in various ways, it is becoming more vital to learn from and build upon each other’s effective practice and ideas across different educational contexts and settings. This will enable us, as a community of practice, to collectively keep inventing the better and brighter future of education in this time of ever-changing and increasingly fluid world.

In this workshop, the participants will learn and work together to engage in: 1) Overviewing how the radical transformation is being driven by emerging educational innovations, methods, and systems; 2) Exploring educational ecosystems that enable us to support and sustain more personalized, flexible, and on-demand lifelong learning; 3) Inquiring and reflecting on what, why, and how we learn in the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI); 4) Identifying some of the critical elements and components for Inventing the “next-generation” education in your own context(s)

The participants are required to bring your own wireless device (laptop, tablet, or smartphone) for individual and group activities online during the workshop session.

Register the workshop here.



Prof. Toru Iiyoshi
Deputy Vice President for Education &
Director & Professor of Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher Education
Kyoto University

Toru Iiyoshi is Deputy Vice President for Education, and Director and a professor at the Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher Education of Kyoto University. Previously, he has served as a senior scholar and Director of the Knowledge Media Laboratory at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Senior Strategist in the Office of Educational Innovation and Technology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a member of the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council on Technology and Education. Dr. Iiyoshi’s current areas of research and development include educational innovation, open education, technology-enhanced scholarship of teaching and learning, and the future of higher education. He is the co-editor of the Carnegie Foundation book, "Opening Up Education: The Collective Advancement of Education through Open Technology, Open Content, and Open Knowledge" (MIT Press).

Keynote Speech (II)
Date: Oct 25, 2019 (Friday)
Time: 11:00am-12:00nn
Topic:  What works for learning and teaching: A qualified teacher in every classroom
Speaker: Prof. Thomas F. Luschei
Summary:   A growing global consensus has coalesced around the idea that qualified teachers are the key to student success, school quality, and national economic growth. Evidence also suggests that providing economically disadvantaged children with consistent access to qualified teachers represents one of the few effective school-based policy levers to close socioeconomic achievement gaps. Unfortunately, evidence also demonstrates that few education systems consistently provide disadvantaged students with teachers who are similarly qualified to teachers working with more privileged children. In the United States, numerous studies have found that teachers are distributed in a way that places lower-income students at a clear disadvantage. Further, growing international evidence suggests that this problem is global in scope. Drawing on recent international research evidence, this presentation will address three key questions related to ensuring that every classroom is staffed with a qualified teacher: (1) Why does the improvement of teacher quality represent the most important avenue to ensure learning for all children? (2) According to international research evidence, what are the barriers to ensuring that every child has a qualified teacher? (3) What lessons does international research evidence offer to educators and policy makers as they work to ensure that every child has a qualified teacher?


Conference Workshop (I)
Date: Oct 23, 2019 (Wednesday)
Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm
Topic:  What Works for Improving Teacher Quality: Key Questions and Considerations
Speaker: Prof. Thomas F. Luschei
Summary:   Educational researchers and policy makers agree that improving teacher quality is one of the most effective ways to promote student success, increase school quality, and stimulate national economic growth. Yet opinions on how to do so vary greatly. Strategies offered to promote teacher quality range from increasing teachers’ educational attainment and salaries to reducing teacher credentialing requirements. These diverse opinions on how to increase teacher quality stem from different conceptions of what makes for a good teacher, whether and how teachers respond to incentives, and the role and status of teachers in society. In this workshop, participants will confront and discuss several foundational questions and assumptions related to the improvement of teacher quality. Through a formal presentation and small-group discussion, participants will then examine these questions in light of recent empirical evidence related to the improvement of teacher quality. After considering conceptual arguments, empirical evidence, and implications for policy and practice, participants will develop and articulate their own evidence-based suggestions for improving teacher quality.


Register the workshop here.

Prof. Thomas F. Luschei
Professor of School of Educational Studies 
Claremont Graduate University
California, United States

Thomas F. Luschei is a Professor of Education at Claremont Graduate University. He holds an MA in Economics and a PhD in International Comparative Education from Stanford University. The primary focus of his research is the impact and availability of educational resources–particularly high-quality teachers–among marginalized children and youth. He is the author (with Amita Chudgar) of Teacher distribution in developing countries: Teachers of marginalized students in India, Mexico, and Tanzania, as well as many peer-reviewed articles, monographs, and book chapters. Since 2017, he has served as an associate editor for the International Journal of Educational Development.

Keynote Speech (IV)
*As Dr Chen could not come to the Conference physically, his keynote will be conducted by live webcast
Date: Oct 25, 2019 (Friday)
Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm
Topic:  Unpacking Evidence and Learning in Evidence-based Learning
Speaker: Dr. Der-Thanq Victor Chen
Summary:   Evidence-based teaching and learning has been discussed and promoted in recent years.  Not too many scholars will disagree with this stance. Indeed, in teaching and learning, we must strive for evidence-based.  However, very few people return to the most fundamental questions about what is evidence and what is learning.  These questions are vitally crucial for our endeavor.  In this keynote, I attempt to discuss common myths about learning.  Based on a more holistic framing of what learning should be, I further discuss how we may see evidences as interpretive actions, rather than something objective “out there” without value imposition by those who use them.  Implications to our practice of teaching and learning will be discussed.


Conference Workshop (II)
*This workshop is cancelled
Date: Oct 24, 2019 (Thursday)
Time: 3:00pm-5:30pm
Topic:  Analysis of Qualitative Evidences: An Introduction to Thematic Analysis
Speaker: Dr. Der-Thanq Victor Chen
Summary:   This hands-on workshop will introduce a commonly adopted qualitative evidence analysis method, namely, Thematic Analysis (TA).  The first 30 minutes will be a brief introduction of what TA is and key processed involved the analysis. In the next 45 minutes, the participants will work in groups to analyze a set of mock data and provide their interpretations of the results.  The final 15 minutes will be a consolidation of what the participants have learned from the workshop.
Register the workshop here.

Register the workshop here.

Dr. Der-Thanq Victor Chen
Associate Professor & Acting Head of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning
National Institute of Education
Nanyang Technological University

Victor Chen received his PhD in Computers in Education at the University of Oregon.  He has worked in universities in the US, Singapore, Taiwan and New Zealand.  His research interests include New Media and Learning, Online Learning and research methodologies.  He has been teaching doctoral level course on Literature review methods and have over the past years developing a grounded approach to conducting literature review. He is currently Acting Head of the Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Academic Group at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.


Conference Day

Time Event Venue
Oct 25, 2019 (Friday)  
8:45am Reception  
09:00am Opening Ceremony
Welcome Remarks:
Prof. Catherine Sun Tien-lun
Academic Vice President
Hong Kong Shue Yan University

Opening Remarks:
Ir. Dr. So Kwok-sang
Secretary General
Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority
09:30am Keynote Speech (I)
Topic: Promoting Evidence Informed Practice at a System Level
Speaker: Prof. Janet Clinton
  Director, Centre for Program Evaluation
  Melbourne Graduate School of Education
  The University of Melbourne
10:30am Coffee Break & Poster Display RLG2
11:00am Keynote Speech (II)
Topic: What works for learning and teaching: A qualified teacher in every classroom
Speaker: Prof. Thomas F. Luschei
  Professor, School of Educational Studies
  Claremont Graduate University
  California, United States
12:00pm Keynote Speech (III)
Inventing the Future of Education Towards More Personalized and Evidence-Based Learning and Teaching
Speaker: Prof. Toru Iiyoshi
  Deputy Vice President for Education &
  Director & Professor of Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher
Kyoto University
1:00pm Lunch Break RLB501
2:00pm Keynote Speech (IV)
*As Dr Chen could not come to the Conference physically, his keynote will be conducted by live webcast
Topic: Unpacking Evidence and Learning in Evidence-based Learning
Speaker: Dr. Der-Thanq Victor Chen
  Associate Professor & Acting Head, Curriculum, Teaching and Learning
  Nanyang Technological University
3:00pm Concurrent Session
Oral Presentation A
Oral Presentation B
Oral Presentation C
Oral Presentation D
Oral Presentation E
Oral Presentation F
CEBP Laboratory Tour

4:00pm Coffee Break & Poster Display RLG2
4:30pm Panel Discussion
Topic: Gamification in Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning
Facilitator: Dr. Amy Chan Kit-sze
  Associate Academic Vice-President (Teaching and Learning Development) &
  Associate Professor & Associate Director
  Technoscience Culture Research and Development Center
  Hong Kong Shue Yan University
Panelists: 1. Dr. Der-Thanq Victor Chen
Associate Professor & Acting Head, Curriculum, Teaching and Learning, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

*As Dr Chen could not come to the Conference physically, he will join the discussion through conference webcast
2. Dr. Samuel Chu Kai-wah
Associate Professor, Teacher Education and Learning Leadership, Faculty of
Education, The University of Hong Kong

3. Dr. Theresa KWONG
Assistant Director, Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning, 
Hong Kong Baptist University

4. Mr. David WATSON
Instructional Design Specialist, Educational Development Centre, 
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
6:00pm End of the conference

Conference Workshop Series

All workshops are free admission. For summaries of the workshops and registeration, please click here.
Time Event Venue
Oct 23, 2019 (Wednesday)  
7:00pm Conference Workshop (I)
Topic: What Works for Improving Teacher Quality: Key Questions and Considerations
Speaker: Prof. Thomas F. Luschei
  Professor of School of Educational Studies
  Claremont Graduate University
  California, United States
Duration: 1.5hrs
Oct 24, 2019 (Thursday)  
7:00pm Conference Workshop (II)
Topic: Making Learning and Teaching More Engaging, Effective, and Meaningful with Educational Innovation
Speaker: Prof. Toru Iiyoshi
  Deputy Vice President for Education &
  Director & Professor of Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher
  Kyoto University
Duration: 1.5hrs
Oct 26, 2019 (Saturday)  
10:00am Conference Workshop (IV)
Topic: Building and Promoting Evidence Practice through the Use of a Program Logic
Speakers: Prof. Janet Clinton
  Director of Centre for Program Evaluation
  Melbourne Graduate School of Education
  The University of Melbourne
  Ms. Tania Blatti
  Melbourne Graduate School of Education
  The University of Melbourne
Duration: 1.5hrs
Register the workshops here.

Call for Papers

The conference now is seeking submission on EBP research papers with the contents in conceptual analysis, design implementation or performance evaluation. The topics could be including, but not limited to, teaching and learning in practice, education policy and administration, child and family education and health education. Other related topics will also be considered.
- Oral Presentation
- Poster Presentation
- Demonstration 

Rules and Guidelines
Oral or Poster Presentation
1. Submission of abstract within 500 words is required, with research objectives, proposed methodology and a discussion of expected outcomes.
2. Completed research papers, student papers, case studies, work-in-progress research, research note, agenda and proposal related to evidence-based practice are welcome.
3. Individual or multiple authors are welcome.
4. Once the submission is accepted, at least one of the authors must present at the conference.
5. The language of the papers must be in English or Chinese only.
6. The reference style must be in APA format.
7. Abstract should be prepared in MS WORD or PDF (version 1.7 or above) format in single-spaced with one-inch margin and fonts in 12 points Times New Roman.
8. Oral presentation will consist of three presenters in a 60-minute session. Presenter is expected to present the paper and answer audience’s questions within 20 minutes. The presentation slides should be in PPT or PDF (version 1.7 or above) format.
9. Poster presentation will be displayed in a designated area. Corresponding author is required to present the poster at the conference. Poster format should be prepared according to the template provided.
10. Accepted paper abstracts will be printed on our conference proceeding.  
11. High-quality conference papers will be considered for publication with the Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy upon mutual agreement.  

Demonstration Session
1. The demonstration session aims to introduce new or exploratory research work, hardware, software, skill or technique in teaching and learning.
2. Submission summary within 200 words is required including the following information:
- The title of the session, a statement of objectives, a description of the intended audience in the demonstration session
- A brief description of hardware, software or other equipment to be demonstrated
3. Each session can be 30 or 60 minutes.
4. All conference attendees are welcome to attend the demonstration session.  

Important Dates
Deadline for submission: September 23, 2019
Review Process: Within 3 weeks after submission
Presentation announcement: September 30, 2019

Templates to download  Enquiries
Tel: (852) 2804 8579
Email: Connie Chan / Joseph Lam  

A PDF version of above information about Call for Papers could be downloaded here.


Lunch order section

You can opt to order lunch via completing this part. Light lunch suitable for both vegetarian and non-vegetarian will be served.

**Information collected is strictly confidential and will be completely destroyed after the conference.**

Remark: Questions with a mark “*” is a must to answer.

Other Information


Room RLG208, Forum Theatre
Research Complex,
Hong Kong Shue Yan University,
6 Wai Tsui Crescent, Braemar Hill,
North Point

General Enquiry:

Tel     : +852 2804 8579
Fax    : +852 2806 8044
Email :

- Shuttle Bus Service
Depart between North Point Exit A1 (at Java Road Municipal Services Building) and HKSYU Research Complex. Time table is as following:
Departing from North Point: 8:30am / 9:30am / 10:30am / 11:30am / 12:30pm / 1:30pm / 2:30pm / 3:30pm / 4:30pm / 5:30pm
Departing from HKSYU: 9:00am / 10:00am / 11:00am / 12:00pm / 1:00pm / 2:00pm / 3:00pm / 4:00pm / 5:00pm

- Kowloon Motor Bus (KMB)
Buses depart to and from Braemar Hill at:
108 Kai Yip Bus Terminus

- Citybus/New World First Bus
Buses depart to and from Braemar Hill at:
23B Park Road / Robinson Road
25 Central (Pier 5)
25A Wan Chai (HKCEC Extension)
27 North Point Ferry Pier
85 Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort)

- Public Light Buses (Green Mini-buses)
Buses depart to and from Braemar Hill at:
25 Causeway Bay MTR Station (Stop next to Chow Tai Fuk Jewellery shop)
49M Tin Hau MTR Station (Stop at Tin Hau Station Public Transport Interchange)


- Harbour Plaza North Point
Address: 665 King's Road North Point Hong Kong
Tel: (+852) 2187 8888



- City Garden Hotel
Address: 9, City Garden Road, North Point, Hong Kong
(Fortress Hill MTR Station Exit B)
Tel: (+852) 2187 8888



- The Park Lane Hong Kong
Address: 310 Gloucester road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Tel: (+852) 2293 8888